APRIL 29, 2011
All the members of the S.F.P.D, especially the members of Bayview Station, profoundly congratulate former Captain Greg Suhr on his promotion to Chief of Police! Chief Suhr has seen to it that Bayview was left in the very capable hands of our Lieutenants, who will serve as Acting Captain(s) until a new captain is permanently assigned to our station. (We will let you know who as soon as we learn!)
Incidents of Interest:
On April 20th at 8:20 PM, Officers Ly and Meyer responded to the 1000 block of Hollister on a call of an armed suspect brandishing a gun at his family. As the officers were arriving, they saw a suspect who matched the broadcasted description walking away from the address that they were driving to. When the officers ordered the subject to stop, he took off running and threw a handgun over a chain link fence into a yard mid block. Other assisting officers were also arriving by now and the suspect never even made the length of the block before being placed into custody.
Officers met with the subject’s family members who had made the initial call. His mother explained that she, her husband, and other son had gotten into a verbal argument with the suspect over his disrespectful treatment of his family members. The suspect became angry and walked away, and in doing so, turned around holding a handgun. The look in his eyes terrified his parents as he threatened to shoot his brother before leaving the house.
Officers were able to gain entry into the yard where the suspect had thrown the weapon and recovered what turned out to be an imitation handgun filled with BB pellets. It was missing the mandatory red tip and certainly looked real enough!
As the officers were conducting their investigation, they were notified by Sgt. Jackson that the suspect had been identified in an armed robbery back in October of 2010 and was wanted in connection. In that incident, a victim was listening to his iPod as he waited for the bus in the area of San Bruno and Mansell when the suspect approached, pointed a gun at him and hit the victim in the head before robbing him of his iPod.
The suspect was placed under arrest for numerous charges including the October 2010 robbery. In fact, he was the suspect in several armed robberies. An inventory search of his person revealed three cellular phones that the officers were able to determine to be stolen property. In another pocket they located a plastic baggie containing twelve rocks of crack cocaine, packaged for sale. The charges just kept piling on! He was booked and is being investigated into his possible involvement with other open cases.
(SFPD Case No.110320592)
On April 23rd at 3:30 PM Officers Meyer and Ly located an unoccupied stolen vehicle in a driveway on the 1600 block of Jennings. Instead of just towing the car, they notified the Bayview Plainclothes team who set up in the area in hopes that the thief would return for another drive. Within 15 minutes, a subject was seen getting into the drivers seat, starting the vehicle, and began to drive away. The information was put out to all the units who had the block surrounded.
As Officers Kirchner and Sgt. Schaffer, who were on Revere, made a Northbound turn onto Jennings, they found the suspect driving down the hill towards them. The suspect, immediately recognizing the officers, suddenly threw the car in reverse and backed half way up the hill before jumping out and taking off on foot.
Officer Kirchner and Sgt. Schaffer got out to give chase only to be faced with the stolen vehicle rolling directly at them down the hill and gaining speed. This is a typical move that some suspects use to buy time in their escape. Fortunately, the he managed to get out of the path of the runaway vehicle which ultimately ended up at rest after colliding with their patrol car, which still contained Officer Kirchner.
Uninjured and undeterred, both cops ran after the suspect and followed him over numerous fences and through numerous back yards. He was finally apprehended after pausing to think twice about jumping into the next yard which contained a couple of big and angry dogs. Smart move!
An inspection of the stolen vehicle revealed that there was a key in the ignition. However, this key failed to open the car door locks, leading the officers to believe that the suspect had been using a “shaved” or master key to start the car. They made contact with the owner of the vehicle who was reunited with her stolen Honda at Bayview Station, where incidentally, the suspect was booked for his crime.
(SFPD Case No.110330353)
On April 21st at 8:30 PM, Officers Alcaraz, Ochoa, Misaghi, and Johnson were working as part of Bayview Stations “Operation Cease Fire” in response to the recent robberies, assaults and gun related offences. As they drove in the area of Ingerson and Jennings, they observed two subjects engaged in a conversation as they walked along the street. Officer Johnson recognized one of the subjects from a previous detention in a robbery investigation and decided to try and have a talk with him.
The officers identified themselves and approached, but both subjects ignored them and continued walking. Officer Misaghi got very close to the subject they wanted to speak to, at which point the suspect turned to look at the officer. As the suspect fixed on Officer Misaghi, Officer Ochoa (who was on the suspect’s opposite side) noticed that the suspect was reaching into his right hip area. Fearing that the suspect was about to pull a gun on Officer Misaghi, Officer Ochoa lunged at the subject from the rear and took him to the ground and handcuffed him.
Officer Ochoa’s quick thinking is to be commended as his keen observation skills and immediate reaction had possibly prevented a tragedy. When the officers rolled the suspect over, the .40 caliber semi automatic handgun was clearly visible in his waistband. This gun also happened to be fully loaded and the serial number had been completely obliterated (a serious no-no and felony). The officers also recovered a paper bindle from the suspect that contained several cocaine rocks.
In an interview, the suspect stated that he had purchased to gun from an individual (who has yet to be identified) for the purpose of self protection. He also admitted that the drugs found on his person were intended for sale and not personal use.
The suspect was booked at Bayview Station. The weapon is being investigated in any possible connection to any other crimes.
(SFPD Case No.110325291)
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