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Friday, September 16, 2011

SF Mayor's Debate at Bayview Opera House

Last night's San Francisco Mayoral debate at the Bayview Opera House was, amazingly, the first one I'd gone to!  In attendance were: Mayor Ed Lee, Teresa Baum, Jeff Adachi, Bevan Dufty, Michela Alioto-Pier, Joanna Rees, Dennis Herrera, and David Chiu.


The recently reconstituted Harvey Matthews Bayview Hunters Point Democratic Club hosted the event, with Club President Leah Pimentel and VP Shane Mayer presiding over the 90-minute debate.  Each candidate touted their D10 cred and all did a good job of making their case, but as with all of these rank-choice voting events, the debate was muted, with many candidates saying how wonderful their opponents were, and no one really taking off the gloves.  Teresa Baum was the only one who seemed to go a bit astray from this, but sounded more like she was still running for national office than local.  It was good for all of us to get a sense of who these people are and to start becoming more engaged in the process.  One good thing was that the crowd (and there were about 100+ people there) listened intently and most of their questions were well thought out.  After previous meetings had been hijacked by an angry few, it was good to see a positive outcome from a meeting in the Bayview.

Sorry for not taking detailed notes, but questions revolved much around race, local-hiring, gang-injunctions, and education.

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