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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend News

I'm sorry, I'm going to be lazy here.  It's Sunday night, I have homework, and I've just spent eight hours filling ten yard clipping bags, transplanted our lemon verbena tree, pulled out one of our two old meyer lemon trees, amended my garden with chicken manure, and planted this fall's crop of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, chard, onions, and radishes.  This, after working for two-plus hours yesterday at the Quesada Gardens Initiative Palou Garden cleanup day, where forty or so people, many from the neighborhood, came together to lay down cardboard and mulch and begin to make some positive change for the community.

KTVU: Officers injured during chase, capture of suspect with gun

SF Gate: Bayview blaze hits storefront church

: Cor-o-van Site May Be Developed

Tasting SF: Piccino, Dogpatch

SF Examiner:  Street reopened after San Francisco police search for suspicious device

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