Upcoming Events:

Community Meetings:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Portola Crime Prevention Night with the Police for a Safer Community

You are invited to meet with the police from the Bayview Station to form a better and safer community.  Your input is important to our safety in our community.  Do you know how to better report crimes? Do you know how to protect your own safety or even your own life? How can you protect yourself from danger situations? How can you better prevent theft or crime?  Together, we will learn how to protect ourselves and feel safer.

Date:          Thursday, March 29th, 2012 6pm to 8:30pm
Location:   2798 San Bruno Ave. at Wayland, S.F. CA 94134

6:00pm to 6:30pm -- Check in / snack, water, tea, drink.
6:31pm to 6:35pm -- Welcome neighbors.
6:36pm to 7:00pm -- Community safety issues for limited-English-speaking community.
7:01pm to 7:30pm -- Guest speakers.
7:31 to 8:00pm --      Response from the police dept.
8:01pm to 8:30pm -- What can we do as a community?

歡迎您來參加三藩市社區資源中心專程為您設計的社區警民罪案預防會議.  您的出席和建議將會令我們的社會更安全. 您是否懂得更好舉報罪案嗎? 您是否懂得保護自己安全嗎?如何面對罪案發一呢?如何做才能更好保護您自己個人安全,甚至自己生命呢? 您將會更了解如何面對罪案、防范小偷、打劫,及一般人身安全防范知識. 歡迎全家參加.  警局會有專人為您解答問题。
(1)安全  (2)怎様备案

日期:        2012年3月29日  星期四  晚6:00點 至 8點  30分
地址 :   2798 San Bruno Ave. at Wayland, S.F. CA 94134

6:00pm to 6:30pm -- 茶水, 小點
6:31pm to 6:35pm -- 歡迎各位街坊
6:36pm to 7:00pm -- 英語有限 的社區安全問題, 如何更好的報案,警民如何合作。
7:01pm to 7:30pm -- 警察和嘉賓
7:31 to 8:00pm --  警方回應
8:01pm to 8:30pm -- 作為社區,我們能做些什麼

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