On September 20th between 9:30 AM and 7:30 PM, an apartment on the 500 block of Wisconsin was burglarized. The resident returned home to find that his front door and door jamb had been damaged and that a computer, watch, and camera were stolen from the residence. Crime Scene Investigation responded to collect evidence. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 110761548)
On September 21st at 4:45 AM, Officers responded to a call of an alarm at a business on the 1500 block of Burke. They located two broken windows and made entry into the building where they found a tire iron that was presumably used by the suspect to break the glass. The owner was notified and responded. He stated that a laptop had been stolen from the premise. The Officers searched the area for a suspect but were unable to locate him/her that morning. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 110760017)
On September 21st at 7:45 AM, Officers were flagged down in the area of Shafter and Jennings by a victim who stated that a suspect had just thrown a rock at his parked car and broke the window. He stated that his co-worker had witnessed the whole thing. He also pointed to a subject in the street and stated that based on his co-worker’s description she was the suspect in the incident. The Officers detained her.
When Officers spoke to the co-worker, he stated that he was standing outside his place of employment on the 1300 block of Underwood when he saw a woman walking down the street ranting and raving while holding a big rock in each hand. Suddenly andunprovoked, she threw one of the rocks through the window of his co-workers car. When he tried to stop her, she threw the second rock at his head, narrowly missing as he ducked to avoid the missile. The suspect then continued walking away, resuming her rant and rave. During a cold show with this witness, he positively identified the suspect and she was arrested and booked at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No. 110760255)
On September 21st at 8:10 PM, Officers responded to 24th and Illinois regarding an unauthorized party on SF Port property. There were numerous subjects in the area of warm water cove and the Officers notified each group that they were not allowed to be there and had to leave. As they walked towards another group of subjects who were sitting and drinking alcohol, they witnessed one of them place a nitrous oxide cracker to his mouth. When the Officers announced their presence, the suspect looked up in alarm and quickly shoved the cracker in his backpack.
A “cracker” is a dispenser made for N20 or C02 gas cartridges. Normally, nitrous oxide in this form is used for charging whipped cream dispensers. However, when coupled with a “cracker” and in the absence of whipped cream, it is usually used for the purpose of getting high.
The Officers searched the bag and found 3 additional boxes of N20 cartridges. Also in the bag was a tin box containing five individually wrapped baggies of cocaine powder. A separate tin box that was located contained six ecstasy pills and nine baggies containing methamphetamine. Although the suspect initially denied that the bag belonged to him, he admitted it when his car keys were located inside along with his wallet. He was placed under arrest and booked at Bayview Station on numerous narcotics related charges. (SFPD Case No. 110762552)
On September 21st at 11:30 PM, a resident of a home on the 600 block of Vermont wasin her bedroom when she heard a noise coming from her living room. She opened her door and saw a suspect opening her living room window. She screamed at the suspect who quickly jumped inside the house, snatched the laptop that was near the window, and hopped back out onto the fire escape. He then descended and made his escape. The victim ran outside of her home to call the police. The Officers searched for the suspect but were unable to locate him. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No.
On September 21st at 10:30 PM, A resident of a home on the 900 block of Carolina wentto bed with her family having left a second story window open. In the morning, they discovered that two laptops, two cell phones, and a messenger bag had been stolen from the house during the night. They also noticed that the window, previously cracked open about 6 inches, was now wide open. Also, the previously locked front door was now unlocked. Crime Scene Investigations responded to process the scene. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 112650655)
Burglars know people tend to keep their windows open during warm weather. Please keep your windows closed and locked at night. See more tips below.
On September 21st at 4:30 PM, A resident of the 700 block of Vermont returned to her home to find that it had been burglarized. She told Officers that the previously lockedback door was now open and that a laptop, two cameras, and jewelry were taken from the residence. The crime occurred between the hours of 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Crime Scene Investigations responded to collect any physical evidence at the scene. (SFPD Case No. 110765051)
On September 22nd at 4:30, Officers responded to St. Lukes Hospital regarding an aggravated assault that had occurred in the area of Cameron and Nichols. They met with the victim, who had cuts to her face and neck. She told the Officers that she was walking home when she saw three subjects that she used to be friends with sitting on a city bench. The friendship had a falling out recently and the victim had a feeling that she was about to get “jumped” by the three.
Her intuition proved correct when all three subjects got up and began screaming obscenities at her. One of the subjects ran up to her with a shaving razor blade in her hand and began to slice at the victim’s face. The victim struggled desperately to escape but the suspect had a good hold of her hair and began slicing at the back of her neck. It took bystanders to physically pull the victim away from the suspect to stop the fight. The victim was then driven to the hospital. She is expected to recover from her non life threatening injuries. The victim knew all three suspects and gave the Officers their names and identifying information. Arrests are expected soon in this case. (SFPD Case No.
On September 18th between 7:30 AM and 5:450 AM, a vehicle was broken into on the 300 block of Topeka. A GPS system was stolen. (SFPD Case No. 110754258)
On September 19th between 12:20 PM and 1:30 PM, a vehicle was broken into on the unit block of Rebecca Ln. A GPS unit and cell phone were stolen. (SFPD Case No. 1161119654)
On September 22nd between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM, a blue Honda Prelude was stolen from the 1100 block of Mariposa. (SFPD Case No. 110763839)
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