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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Youth Service-Learning Day @ Visitacion Valley Community Center

On Saturday, November 19th, from 12-4pm, VVCC will be hosting 30-35 students from BuildOn (http://www.buildon.org) doing community-service in the Visitacion Valley community. Students will be serving brunch to our seniors at the community center, 50 Raymond Ave, painting a mural on the front wall of the community center, canvassing with VVCC and JumpStart to promote our Early Children literacy workshop & encouraging parents to enroll their children into Kindergarten. In addition, a few students will help clean up the community center. 

Community members are invited to come out and give the students a rich experience of Visitacion Valley history. Everyone is also welcome to come to the brunch to eat and/or serve. Please also help get the word out. This is not meant to be a huge event, but to provide youth an opportunity interact with "older" community members.