Thursday February 23rd
6pm to 7:30pm
Bayview Opera House
4705 Third St., San Francisco
Refreshments will be served!
Please RSVP to 415-647-3728.
Your input will help to identify community concerns and priority actions for the 2012 update of the 3rd St. Action Plan.
Potential issues to be addressed include:
- community health and safety
- streetscape design and physical appearance
- neighborhood events and activities
- business attraction and promotion
- other activities to help the Bayview better serve its residents, merchants, and community stakeholders
Come hear community updates from Supervisor Malia Cohen and Police Captain Paul Chignell
The 3rd St Corridor Project (TSCP) is a collaborative effort to revitalize the commercial, civic, and cultural center of the Bayview-Hunters Point community. TSCP's goal is for 3rd St to become a place where local residents find essential goods and services, earn their livelihood as business owners and employees, access cultural and social resources, and meet and mix with neighbors. TSCP's work is guided by the 3rd Street Action Plan, a live document that takes direction from the community's visions and past planning efforts, and provides a roadmap for key activities and projects aimed at creating a vibrant commercial district along the 3rd Street corridor.
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