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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Democratic County Central Committee Endorsements

The SFDCCC voted tonight to determine whom they would suggest backing in the District 10 Supervisor election.

The rankings that the DCCC has chosen are:

1. DeWitt Lacy
2. Malia Cohen
3. Eric Smith

Um... Comments?

Interesting... From Beyond Chron, "Lacy was a 'consensus pick' – nobody had a real problem with him." Is that an enthusiastic endorsement? Me thinks not!! Why, with such a 'progressive' DCCC, did they not pick a progressive like Kelly or Jackson, particularly after Kelly had just gotten the Potrero Hill DC's endorsement?


  1. Developments in this race are so predictable, it is getting B-O-R-I-N-G. Can candidates please raise some hell? Assuredly, some candidates lie out of their arse and/or are narcissistic. Please get this race into high gear!

    Need inspiration?

    Now go roll some heads.....

  2. Steve Moss is a very good choice for the District. Check him out.


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