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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grist for The Rumor Mill

Funny how rumors get started. Take this one: Chris Waddling is a Steve Moss supporter. What, hadn't heard that one? Well, a commenter at a recent SFBG article certainly thinks its true, and wants others to believe it too, apparently. I have tamped that down quickly and unequivocally over there.

Like my rebuttal, rumors about the candidates need to be rebutted quickly and unequivocally, especially if the candidates want us to be convinced that they're false. Do none of them remember John Kerry getting 'Swift-Boated' in 2004 and the damage that did to him in the campaign? These rumors divert our attention from the issues, and keep the candidates from having to provide answers to questions about what they'd do when in office, but they also plant seeds of doubt that are tough to kill once they've taken root.

I hope that what I have written here has been unbiased and doesn't sound like I support one candidate over another. The candidate whom I do personally support is upset with me for not devoting more space here to their campaign. Honestly, I would love to, and maybe I should have a separate blog for that. But here, I'm trying to simply provide links to information that's out there so that readers don't have to go searching for it. That's it. Yes, I have opinions about ranked choice, voter apathy, the effect of money on the campaigns, etc., and I'll write about those things. If a candidate has what I think is a good idea, I'll give it a shout-out. But that's the extent of it. I also have my opinions on who would be the best supervisor for D10, but can't say that here and keep this site unbiased.


  1. Who dose Chris Waddling support? It is perfectly fine for an editor to disclose who his reported is supporting/endorsing. At the end of each Paul Hogarth article in BeyondChron the editor has a note stating who Paul supports. It is possible to have a bias article/blog and disclose who you endorse. Please disclose who you are supporting.

    Richard Harlan

  2. I notice Richard can't decide how to spell his own last name. In comments section of the SFBG you link to, he has signed his name "R. Harland". but the sytem ID has him as "Richard Harlen". Here, he signs "Richard Harlan".

    Three different last names. Who is the real Richard Harlan(d)/en? I think me smells a rat.

  3. This is why I use my real name - otherwise it would be too confusing for my addled brain.

  4. Isn't there a quote from Benjamin Franklin about lying requiring too much of his memory?

  5. Because this race is full of clowns, the Federation of Fakers has assigned the alleged top six frontrunners their Halloween costumes.

    DeWitt Lacy as a da Mayor knock-off.
    Malia Cohen is an upscale debutante.
    Eric Smith as an Antarctica penguin.
    Tony Kelly is a "celebrity" chef.
    Chris Jackson as a struggling comedian.
    Steve Moss is a 1960s Rambler salesman.

    See you at the masquerade party.

  6. When I first decided to support Steve Moss for District 10 Supervisor, I had three reasons:

    He'd done a good job as publisher of the Potrero View.
    He was optimistic about the future of our district, with some realistic ideas that made sense to me.
    His grasp of financial and development realities seemed like a real asset for someone who would be making important decisions.

    Those reasons still pertain. In the few months since, I've contributed $10 to his campaign, spoken to some friends and neighbors about his candidacy, and cast a vote for him at the Potrero Hill Democratic Club.

    I am amazed and disgusted at the anonymous mud-slinging of Joe Plumber-I mean Joe Potrero. Where to begin? It's an old tactic, putting the accused in the double-bind of ignoring and letting accusations stick or responding and perhaps dignifying them. I know Steve Moss has responded more than once. And by remaining in the role of a indignant, intellectually unsophisticated guy from the street, Joe Potrero and his auteur don't require that his accusations make any particular sense.

    I'd encourage open-minded District 10 voters to take a closer look at the facts.

    Sarah Wilcox


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