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Saturday, July 9, 2011

D10 News in the Potrero View

From the Potrero View:

High-Speed Rail Unlikely to Disrupt Interstate 280’s South Beach Spur

Last spring the San Francisco Examiner and KGO-TV featured reports of the possible dismantling of Interstate 280’s northern end to accommodate high-speed rail. However, assessment of the proposed plans by San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) prompted the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) to change its design to reduce impacts on the City.

Southside: San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market Poised to Expand
A renovated and enlarged San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market could create job opportunities for Southside residents. But it also could increase congestion in an already difficult to transverse area, and plans to close Jerrold Avenue to through traffic angers and worries some Bayview residents.
Check out the article in the Bayview Footprints from three months ago about the Produce Market expansion plans

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