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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bayview District Mid-Week Recap

BAYVIEW POLICE STATION-201 WILLIAMS ST, S.F. 94124. 415 671-2300
Captain Paul Chignell October 12, 2011

Officer Sue Lavin of Bayview Police Station has been chosen as Bayview Officer of the Month. She has been a stalwart member of our station who specializes in handling quality of life issues such as homeless encampments. Please congratulate Officer Lavin when you see her out and about!

Sergeant Chuck Collins is the liaison sergeant to Bayview Hunters Point YMCA, the Bay Park Business Condominiums and the Potrero Hill Dogpatch Merchants’ Association.
On October 8th at 8:00 PM, a 17 year old resident of a home on the 100 block of Cameron was home alone with a nine year old and decided to leave the back door open for fresh air. At some point, seven (7) subjects (some of whom the teenage resident knew from the neighborhood) walked into the house. They walked into the living room and began to play video games on the families PS3 console. The teenage victim tried to get them to leave the house but they refused and after about a half an hour, the argument escalated and one of the subjects grabbed a knife from the kitchen and attacked the victim, causing defensive cuts to her hand.

As this was going on, the adults of the home were just getting back from a trip and walked into the home to find all of the suspects running out of the back door, the game system missing, as well as the bleeding teenager. As the adults were trying to figure out what was going on, one of the subjects that had fled the house through the rear picked up a garbage can and threw it at the rear window, shattering the glass. As one of the returning residents, a 50 year old male, was trying to clean up the glass outside, some of the same subjects walked past him. One of them pulled out a gun and shot at him numerous times, fortunately missing him entirely. All of the suspects then fled on foot.

Bayview Housing Officers responded to the scene and immediately began their investigation. The suspects were described physically to the officers and also gave the street names of the suspects they recognized from the neighborhood. After hearing the descriptions and nicknames, Officer Lori Lamma thought she recognized three of the subjects from previous encounters. Most importantly, she was pretty sure she knew who the shooter as well as the subject who attacked the teenager with the knife.

She returned to the station and made up a photo line up which included the suspect she believed fired the shot at the victim. On showing the victim the photo spread, he immediately pointed to and identified the correct individual as the person who shot at him. The teenage victim named the suspect who had cut her by the street name of “Junk” who Officer Lamma knew to be the head of the 2Rock gang, who she also knew was staying with a girlfriend in the area. After both identifications proved positive, all of the officers were advised that these two subjects were wanted and it was only a matter of hours before they got caught.

On October 9th at 9:50 AM, Officers Dicroce and Faidiga responded to a home in the area of Oakdale and Ingalls after being briefed that a suspect from the above attempted homicide was staying there. Other officers responded as back up and held the perimeter as the contact officers knocked on the door. They were admitted by family members who told them that the suspect they were looking for was in an upstairs bedroom. He answered the knock at his door without incident and was placed under arrest. He was transported to Bayview Station where a gunshot residue test was conducted on him before his being arrested on attempted homicide, assault, and weapons charges. (SFPD Case No. 110812931)
That same morning at 11:30, Officers August and Thompson were driving in the area of Cameron and Nichols when they stopped a car for tinted windows in the area. Immediately upon contacting the driver, they recognized him as the wanted suspect in the knife assault from the previous evening. They placed him under arrest. He was transported to Bayview Station where he was booked on aggravated assault charges as well as a parole violation. (SFPD Case No. 110812925)
On October 8th at 10:40 PM, a victim was riding the MUNI Third Street Line when he noticed four subjects on the bus get off the coach at the Gilman and 3rd stop, which was his stop as well. He noticed that out of the four subjects, 3 were wearing all black and one was wearing a bright red and white striped shirt. He paid it no further mind and continued walking toward his
home. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see the suspect in the bright red and white shirt running towards him. Now, the suspect had on a brown bandana covering the lower half of his face, but it was clearly the same subject from the bus.

The suspect approached the victim and pointed a silver handgun at him, asking him “What you got?” The victim replied that he did not have anything at which point a second suspect approached him and started going through his pockets, removing his Metro cell phone, MUNI Clipper card, and money. Both suspects fled on foot and the victim called the police from home.

As Officers were conducting their interview with the victim, Officer Lamma of the Bayview Housing Unit came to the scene and was given the description of the suspect. Once again, Officer Lamma identified the suspect through his physical description and the bright clothing he was wearing, as she had seen him in the same outfit earlier that day. She created a photo line up that included the subject she suspected of the crime. Sure enough, after being shown the spread, the victim immediately chose the correct suspect.

The following day, Housing Officers responded to the suspect’s home on the 100 block of Cameron for the purpose of locating him and placing him under arrest for the robbery. They found the suspect standing outside behind his residence. He was taken into custody without incident. He was transported to Bayview Station where he was booked on robbery charges and a search warrant for his home was secured by a judge.
Plainclothes and Housing Officers responded to the home to conduct the search. They were admitted and shown to the areas of the home where the suspect occupied. The search revealed the bright red and white shirt, a MUNI Clipper card, a Metro cell phone, and a loaded .9 mm semi automatic pistol with two ammunition magazines. (SFPD Case No. 110813092)
On October 7th at 11:00 AM, officers responded to the area Connecticut and Wisconsin regarding a robbery. On arrival they met with the victim. She told them that she had been hanging laundry outside of her home when she was approached by a suspect who asked her for a cigarette. She reached into the clutch that she had strapped to her wrist and removed a cigarette which she then gave the suspect. She turned around to continue her work when the suspect suddenly grabbed the clutch and began to yank it from her wrist. She struggled briefly until the strap gave way and the suspect was able to run away with her purse. She later found the bag in the grass down the path that the suspect took. All the money and her house key was missing from inside. The officers searched for the suspect but were unable to locate him that day. The victim was assisted with having her locks changed. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 110808833)
On October 7th at 3:00 PM, a victim was waiting on the bust stop at on the 700 block of Innes when he was approached from the side by several subjects, one of whom said, “try this” and sprayed pepper spray into the victim’s face for no reason. The suspects did not try to take anything from the victim and fled laughing. Even though he was having trouble breathing and hard time seeing, he managed to board the bus. He got off on Evans and 3rd where a bystander called paramedics for him. Officers searched the area for the suspects but were unable to locate them that day. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 110809477)
On October 7th at 5:20, Officers responded to the area of Silliman and Somerset regarding a purse snatch robbery. On arrival, they met with the 62 year old victim who stated that she was walking in the area when she was suddenly assaulted by two subjects. She stated that the first subject grabbed her purse and tried to pull it off her shoulder. As she struggled, the second suspect hit her about the head causing her to let go of the purse. Both suspects ran toward San Bruno. A witness was located who saw the entire incident as it unfolded but had lost sight of the suspects after they ran. An additional witness came forward with the purse, which she found discarded in front of her home. The only things missing from the purse were the victim’s money, medication, ID, and house key. She was given follow up information on how to secure her home. Officers searched the area for the suspects but were unable to locate them that day. (SFPD Case No. 110809900)
On October 8th at 7:00 PM, Officers responded to a call of a robbery on the 200 block of Charter Oak. The victim stated that she was in front of her house pulling her laptop out of the trunk of her car. She put the strap of the case over her shoulder and began walking to her home when a suspect walked past her and suddenly grabbed the bag from her shoulder. She attempted to struggle for the bag but the suspect was ultimately able to pull it away from her. He then ran south on Charter Oak and west on Augusta where he was seen getting into a dark colored Honda that drove off toward Bayshore Boulevard. The victim was uninjured.

Officers searched the area for the suspect and the car but were unable to locate either that evening. This investigation is ongoing. (SFPD Case No. 110812709)
On October 8th at 12:10 PM, officers in the area of Oakdale and Phelps conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for not having a front license plate. They made contact with the driver whose license was shown as suspended. He was placed under arrest and his vehicle was searched prior to tow. Inside the trunk, Officers found three large bags of marijuana. Each bag weighed approximately one pound. When asked what the suspect was doing with three pounds of marijuana, he presented a “medical marijuana for use” card. The card, however, did not have the proper seals from the state of California to be valid at face value and could not be confirmed by the officers. When asked where he got such a large amount of marijuana, he told them that he had seen it in the bed of a truck and had stolen it for himself. His car, however, had no smoking paraphernalia typical in subjects with marijuana for personal use. He was booked on numerous narcotics related charges at Bayview Station (SFPD Case No. 110811676)
On October 8th at 7:30 PM, Officers responded to a call of a vehicle damaged by gunshots. The owner of the vehicle, which sustained a shattered windshield, told the officers that he had parked the car while visiting a friend on the unit block of Double Rock, a local housing development. He heard several gunshots in the immediate area and did not immediately go outside due to fear for his safety. Once he did emerge some time later, he found the damage to his vehicle. Officers searched the area for any other damage or possible victims and located none. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 110814238)
Between October 8th at 11:00 PM and the following day at 2:00 PM, a warehouse on the 800 block of Hudson was burglarized. The owner told Officers that he had left his warehouse secure on the previous night and on his return found a window to be opened. He did an inventory of the warehouse and found seven bicycles stolen. In addition to the bicycles, two cameras and a camera bag as well as a light meter were stolen. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 110815515)
Between October 6th at 9:30 PM and 8:00 AM the following morning, a white Nissan Maxima was stolen from the 700 block of Felton. (SFPD Case No. 110808526)
Between October 8th at 5:30 PM and 10:00 AM the following morning, a silver Mitsubishi Mirage was stolen from the 1700 block of Ingalls. (SFPD Case No. 110814501)
Between October 9th at 5:00 PM and 4:00 AM the following morning, a gold Honda Accord was stolen from the 1300 block of 25th St. (SFPD Case No. 110816212)
Between October 9th at 6:00 PM and 10:00 AM the following morning, a black Honda Civic was stolen from the 700 block of Minnesota. (SFPD Case No. 110816604)
Between October 9th at 9:00 PM and 3:00 PM the next day, a black Toyota Rav4 was stolen from the 1600 block of 18th St. (SFPD Case No. 110817420)

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