San Francisco Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration are sponsoring a one-day Take-Back Event for old/expired medications, on Saturday, April 30, 2011. Please see this flyer for more information.
Why should I safely dispose of my expired prescription and over-the-counter medications?
Because wastewater treatment plants were never designed to remove medications or other chemicals, and flushing your expired over-the-counter and prescription medications can harm aquatic life in the San Francisco Bay and Pacific Ocean. Why isn't there a permanent drop-off location in San Francisco for old/expired medication?
Unfortunately, at this time, the options available to residents for disposing of medication through permanent take-back programs or one-day collection events are limited due to several regulatory and cost issues. Current State and Federal regulations make it difficult for pharmacies to set up take-back programs and for the City and County of San Francisco to establish permanent collection sites.
In the interim, the SFPUC, SF Department of Environment and Recology have piloted a mail-in program for SF residents. SFPUC is also currently working with other City departments, State, and Federal regulators, and staff of the Mayor's Office to try and change the regulatory barriers to establishing more permanent locations for residents.