Upcoming Events:

Community Meetings:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

NERT Training in the Portola

WHO: Everyone!!!
WHAT:    FREE Disaster Preparedness Training
WHERE: Portola San Francisco School, 300 Gaven Street
WHEN: Thursdays 6:00pm – 9:00pm February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 1 AND 15, 2012*
* Please note that it is very important for participants to attend all sessions in order to gain the full scope and benefit of the training. New students will not be permitted to join after the second session of training. There will be no class on March 8.
A Certificate will be issued. Make ups may be approved within 6 months.
HOW:    RSVP to sffdnert@sfgov.org or call 415-970-2024 to register. Visit www.sfgov.org/sffdnert to see more about the training, other locations, and register on line.
WHY:    So we are prepared to do what we can for each other in times of disaster. Help us make your community more resilient!!!

2/2 Class Session #1...Earthquake Awareness, Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation
2/9 Class Session #2...Basic Disaster Skills; Fire Extinguishers; Hazardous Materials; Utilities Shut-offs
2/16 Class Session #3...Disaster Medicine
2/23 Class Session #4...Light Search and Rescue
3/1 Class Session # 5...Team Organization and Management Terrorism & NERT
3/15 Class Session # 6...Hands-On Training Skills Development and Application