Upcoming Events:

Community Meetings:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Visitacion Valley Planning Alliance Meeting

Meeting: Saturday, January 14
10 am- 12 pm
Visitacion Valley Library Community Meeting Room
Corner of Leland and Rutland Avenues



We have never looked at Visitacion Valley open space issues in a systematic manner. Beginning in 2012, we want to begin addressing the need for better planning around parks, street parks and street scape improvements throughout the Valley. Together, we will look at existing conditions and think of ways to green and improve our neighborhood. We have been successful with our new library, Leland Avenue Streetscape and V V Greenway Projects, which are models for the rest of the city and beyond. Now it is time to build on our accomplishments and go to the next level valley-wide. We need to find the best, highest use of open space for the greatest number of people in our neighborhood.

The goal is to persuade the various departments and city officials involved - DPW and the Recreation and Parks Department, in particular - to help us reach our short and long term goals through community planning. We all know the degree of neglect that our neighborhood has endured historically. This will be a means to plan for our shared green future. Recent worldwide weather patterns attest to the grim presence of global warming. We can do something in our own neighborhood to help alleviate the problem at the same time that we create a beautiful, healthy environment for ourselves.

Please come and give your input. This is an important meeting and we hope that you can attend.


Ahsha Safai and Sam Murray from the PUC will present an update on the Sunnydale Sewer Improvement Project.


The planning process for Schlage Lock has been on hold several months, while we have anxiously awaited the outcome of the recent lawsuit concerning Redevelopment. Come find out the outcome and plans for going forward with development for the site.

Refreshments will be served