Supervisor Cohen's office has assured me that office hours were held in the Portola in April of last year, although I wasn't able to find this information in her newsletters. They've also assured me that community office hours have been held every month but last August. I've asked, since newsletters have been sporadic, and that this mechanism for alerting the public to office hours seems to be a major one the supervisor uses, many people in the community may be unaware of community office hour times and locations. I've asked her staff to keep me appraised of upcoming community office hours so that I can help spread the word for them, and ultimately, for all of us.
Saturday, Feb 25
10AM - noon
Play Space at Recess on Potrero Hill
470 Carolina St. (between Mariposa & 18th St)
Come meet Supervisor Cohen for a casual conversation during her office hours.
Her newsletter says she enjoys rotating community office hours throughout the district, but...
she's held them sporadically (this will be only her sixth two-hour community office hour session since taking office) and half of them have been in Visitacion Valley, (after this month's) two in Potrero Hill, one in the Bayview (at 4PM on a Friday afternoon), while none have been held in the Portola (no wonder they feel like the ugly stepchild - the Portola isn't even mentioned as being in D10 on Supervisor Cohen's official website! Note that Supervisor Campos will be holding his D9 office hours in the Portola this Friday, Feb 17 from noon-2PM at Fat Beli Deli, 2598 San Bruno Ave).
Supervisor Cohen's previous community office hours:
November 19: Visitacion Valley Library
October 1: Visitacion Valley Library
June 11: Asian Pacific American Community Center, Visitacion Valley
May 6: Southeast Community Facility, Bayview
March 4: The Potrero Hill Neighborhood House
I have nothing against our supervisor spending so much community time in Visitacion Valley talking to her constituents - I truly believe folks who live there need to be heard just like we do in all parts of the district. And since Vis Valley is the farthest from the center of the city, maybe the city needs to come to them to hear them more than it needs to come to other parts. However, going forward, I would like to call on our supervisor to do two things:
1. Commit to holding MONTHLY community office hours
2. Hold your March community office hours in the Portola, then April in the Bayview, and then get onto a regular rotation so that people can be prepared to see you in their neighborhood. Given that there are broadly four neighborhoods D10, that means visiting with residents in each three times a year. Seems reasonable to me.
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