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Thursday, January 17, 2013

2065 Oakdale - The Saga Continues

It's truly unbelievable how audaciously some people flout laws and ordinances.  Take for example, the owner of 2065 Oakdale Ave.  

Just last week, as reported here, a Board of Permit Appeals ruled, among other things, that as a result of the owner's misdeeds in essentially lying about the kind of permit he needed for the work that he was going to do: any work proposed on this site will require a 311/312 notification to neighbors for a period of 5 years or until the law changes; and the applicant/owner is required to submit soils for testing by an authorized lab.

Well, not five days after this ruling, the owner, a Mr. Jack Tsang, was out there with his crews flouting the ruling and the department of building inspection yet again!!

According to neighborhood watchdog Dan Dodt, "lead pain scraping was being conducted at the 2065 Oakdale site and that this work is not allowed under the current permit or DBI's permission to secure the building ONLY.

"At the hearing last week, Tsang's counsel and experts testified that they could do no painting work of any type prior to the lifting of the existing 'Notice of Violation' on earlier work.  As that hearing is scheduled for next Tuesday, January 22nd, they can technically not even obtain a permit for exterior lead paint removal or repainting prior to that date, according to their testimony.

"However, on Tuesday of this week, a group of people were scraping the lead paint off the exterior wall on the Palou Avenue side, with others power washing the yard side of the building, with none of the required protection or containment of any type being used."

Dodt "believes that this is a clear violation of the DBI restrictions on new work and is utterly antithetical to the statements given (under oath) that such work could not be undertaken prior to the 22nd, assuming that a favorable ruling would follow.  This appears to be another layer in a pattern of complete disregard for DBI and the City requirements for following the rules before and during construction. This is also a clear insult to the Board of Permit Appeals and the restrictions placed on the applicant.

Thanks to Dodt's consistent and unwavering oversight of this situation, DBI slapped a "Stop Work" order on the site today.  What is this Tsang guy thinking!?!  He needs to be as squeaky-clean as he can be until his next hearing on this property, and he goes and completely ignores prior rulings and goes back to doing whatever he wants!  

Thanks yet again to Dan Dodt for keeping the DBI's eyes on this, but as we can see, even with vigilant community oversight, slippery shit like this still happens.