Through structured activities and intentional workshops, participants will have the opportunity to explore possibilities in graduate and professional education. The program, including meals and travel, is offered at no cost to selected applicants.
Inside UCSF 2013 will feature:
* Interactive sessions and panels with UCSF students and leadership
* Classroom experiences with UCSF faculty members
* Information about pursuing higher education at UCSF
* Tours of the campus and new state-of-the-art facilities
* An unforgettable experience!
The Inside UCSF Planning Committee invites you to partner with us in recruiting talented and diverse students for this exciting and informative program. This year the UCSF Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, the Graduate Division and Physical Therapy are reaching out to institutions throughout California and the United States for students who have an expressed interest and talent in the sciences. The Committee particularly encourages the participation of students from ethnically diverse backgrounds, those who are underrepresented in the health science professions, and/or are from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Interested individuals will need to submit a completed application on our program website, available here https://gdapply.ucsf.edu/apply/insideucsf. The application window will be open January 14 to March 1, 2013. The Inside UCSF Planning Committee will review completed applications and select 100 students to participate. Selected participants will be notified by the middle of March.
Thank you for your help with recruiting students for this unique opportunity. If you have any questions or would like to find out more about this program, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Diversity and Outreach. Enclosed pleased find a postcard for your use, as well as the following link with more information and a video montage of last year’s program: http://diversity.ucsf.edu/InsideUCSF
If you’re school is located in the Bay Area and you are interested in having a representative from UCSF speak to your students regarding this program, please email Paul Day (paul.day@ucsf.edu). He would be more than happy to make an informal presentation.
J. Renee Navarro, PharmD, MD,
Vice Chancellor, Diversity and Outreach
Inside UCSF 2013 Planning Committee