The California State Parks are looking for volunteers at Candlestick Point Recreation Area. They have three regular volunteer days: 4th Friday; 2nd Saturday; and 3rd Wednesday.
Check out the Parks Champions calendar here for more information and to sign up (a login is required).
Friday, Jan 25, 2013
9:00am to 1:00pm
Volunteers needed: 15
Check out the Parks Champions calendar here for more information and to sign up (a login is required).
Friday, Jan 25, 2013
9:00am to 1:00pm
Volunteers needed: 15
4th Friday workdays assist Literacy for Environmental Justice to care for plants at the native plant nursery at Candlestick Point. Teens 14 and up are welcome when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
Saturday, Feb 9, 2013
9:00am to 1:00pm
Volunteers needed: 13
2nd Saturday workdays assist Literacy for Environmental Justice to restore native habitat and install native plants at Yosemite Slough, the largest tidal wetland in the Bay Area. Teens 14 and up are welcome when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013
9:00am to 1:00pm
Volunteers needed: 24
Candlestick Wednesday workdays focus on assisting park staff with light maintenance. Projects include: tree trimming, brush removal,and weeding/power washing/painting in picnic areas. Teens over 14 are welcome if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
About the Program:
CSPF’s Park Champions Program holds volunteer work days in state parks across California. This program was created in response to the unprecedented budget cuts and closures that California State Parks face right now. In partnership with California State Parks, Park Champions provide consistent, sustainable volunteer support in the areas of park maintenance and beautification.
Park Champions projects improve the quality, safety and preservation of our state parks. Projects in the past year have included trail repair, invasive plant removal, habitat restoration, the rehabilitation of an historic orchard, fence construction, bridge construction, and re-painting park structures. If you enjoy volunteering outdoors, want to work with a fun group of people, and you want to make a difference in our state parks, then become a Park Champion and join us for the next work day happening near you!
h/t M Czajkowski