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Monday, March 11, 2013

Bayview Hunters Point Mobility Study Update

In 2010, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority’s Bayview Hunters Point Neighborhood Transportation Plan recommended undertaking a focused, in-depth technical and community study to advance a community-based pilot program concept for implementation (grant ready status). In 2011, the Authority received an $180,000 Environmental Justice transportation planning grant from Caltrans to work on the Bayview Hunters Point Mobility Solutions Study (Study). A Prop K appropriation (Resolution-11-23) provided the required $20,000 in local match.

Through the Study, the SFCTA has worked closely with a group of community based organizations (CBOs) that has expanded from the original group assembled through the Office of the Public Defender’s Bayview MAGIC (BMAGIC) program to a larger set of organizations who are participating in the Department of Public Health’s (DPH’s) Bayview HEAL Zone Program. Working in partnership with DPH, the Department of Children, Youth and their Families, and a Transportation Working Group comprised of representatives of 18 CBOs and community leaders, the SFCTA has conducted a needs assessment of CBOs’ program access needs and a review of their transportation operations and resources. The Working Group has considered alternative ways to deliver needed transportation services and is working with the Study team to create a business plan to pilot a vehicle-sharing program.

Some of the the Working Group's recommendations include:
  • The primary focus of the pilot should be on youth trips that support CBOs programming –particularly after-school programs
  • Medical, senior trips and food access will be addressed secondarily
  • Programs and services need to have a multilingual component incorporated
  • Vans are more practical and flexible for trips that are low-volume, high cost and require a great deal of flexibility by different agencies who would utilize them
  • New vans, regardless of the type of fuel used, will be more efficient and less polluting than the current fleet of older vans currently in use by most agencies. Using a commercial driver would also allow vans to be used at their full capacity and thus be more efficient
  • Criteria for program implementation must include:
    • Safety 
    • Cost and efficiency
    • Community connectedness/cohesion and inclusion
    • Cultural sensitivity – drivers and program staff trained to communicate well with different cultures, ages, etc. that reflect the diversity in the Bayview
    • Ease of start-up and ongoing management and operations
    • Environmental sensitivity
    • Community ownership
  • Shared service is a good model to pursue for the pilot
  • The pilot program will have two phases and launch with a “turnkey” vendor. Phase 1 will use shared vans to provide youth trips to CBOs, medical and food trips. Thereafter, vans can be used by others as available.

The Transportation Working Group will meet Tuesday, March 12 from 10AM to 1PM at the Bayview YMCA to review the Draft Business Plan.  Following refinement of the plan, the Study team will conduct outreach among the broader community, as a goal is to ensure strong representation of all parts of the Bayview community in the eventual program.

Visit the SFCTA website for more information.

The Bayview Hunters Point Community Transportation Working Group consists of the following partners:


A. Philip Randolph Institute
Bayview Health and Wellness Clinic
Bayview Hunters Point Multipurpose Senior Services
Bayview YMCA
Black Coalition on AIDS
City of Dreams
Community Stakeholder
SF United School District
SEFA Food Guardians
Southeast Health Center
UCSF/Bayview HEAL Zone

City Agency

Department of Children Youth & Families
Department of Public Health
Mayor’s Office on Housing
San Francisco County Transportation Authority

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