Upcoming Events:

Community Meetings:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

14th Annual Potrero Hill History Night

Time: Saturday, November 02, 2013 05:30PM
Location: International Studies Academy
Address: 655 De Haro Street, San Francisco

Additional information:

History Night is a great way to meet neighbors and learn about the neighborhood. Begin the evening with a barbecue ($6) with jazz band on the school's patio from 5:30 to 7pm. Benefits go to I.S.A.'s student travel program. See displays by the Bethlehem Shipyard Museum and Historypin. Then move inside for a free program from 7-9pm featuring historian & author (and founder of the SF Historical Society) Charles Fracchia talking on "Potrero Hill: an Adventure in Urban Archaeology". Then hear Philip DeAndrade (Goat Hill Phil of Goat Hill Pizza) talk with Etienne Simon about her early years growing up at her grandmother's farmhouse at 1333 Vermont, now the site of the 101 Freeway. And as always, surprises!

Call 415-863-0784 for more information