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Friday, September 16, 2011

Bayview District Weekly Newsletter

SEPTEMBER 16, 2011

The next meeting is on Tuesday, October 4th, 6:00 pm Bayview Station Community Room 201 Williams Ave (Cross Street Newhall)

Incidents of Interest:

On September 14th at 11:30 AM, Officers were assisting MUNI inspectors with a fair evasion detail on the light rail platform at 3rd and Evans. They detained a subject who did not have a fare receipt. A record check revealed that the subject had an outstanding drug related warrant for his arrest with a bail amount of $20,000. He was taken into custody and booked at Bayview station. (SFPD Case No. 110739921)

On September 14th at 3:00 PM, Officers in the area of Jerrold and Barneveld conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a traffic violation. The driver had a suspended license as well as a warrant for his arrest for driving on a suspended license. He was placed under arrest and booked at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No. 110740451)

On September 14th at 5:00 PM, Officers responded to a call of an assault in the area of Jerrold and Toland. They met with the victim who told them that she was waiting for the bus when she was approached by the subject, who was carrying a cane, and asked for a cigarette. When she refused to give the suspect a cigarette, he became irate and began to scream obscenities at her. He began to walk away but then decided to resume his attack on the victim and turned back around, this time hitting her with his cane, which grazed her head slightly. She was not seriously injured.
The Officers searched the area for the suspect and located him as he walked several blocks away. He still had the cane and admitted to an altercation with the victim. He was positively identified, placed under arrest and booked at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No. 110740962)

On September 14th at 6:40 PM, Bayview Officers obtained a search warrant on a home on the 1600 block of Kirkwood after an earlier arrest on the resident of that home for being in possession of over one pound of marijuana. They served the warrant and were allowed into the residence without incident. They located a locked door in the upper portion of the house. As they had the keys from the suspect’s keychain, they were able to gain entry into the room. They located 19 large bags containing marijuana, packaging material, and scales indicating that the marijuana was being used for sale. All of the evidence was seized and the additional charges were added to the suspect’s booking card at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No. 110741302)

On September 14th at 7:30 PM, Officers responded to a burglary in progress at a warehouse on the 6000 block of 3rd St. The owner of the property was on scene, stating that he had left the facility earlier in the day locked and secured. He said that he received a call from the alarm company and responded to the location to check it out as they have had several break-ins in the recent past in which metal was stolen. He also stated that when he peeked into the warehouse with a flashlight, he saw a subject inside holding a metal trash can. The suspect, on seeing the owner, ran to the back of the facility.

The Officers surrounded the building and conducted a search, locating the suspect in the rear open area of the property. He was positively identified and admitted to having been in the building. It was determined that the suspect entered the warehouse through a dismantled air vent. A hammer was located inside the establishment that belonged to the suspect in this botched burglary. He was also found to have a used crack pipe on his person when searched, The suspect was booked on burglary, possession of burglary tools, and possession of narcotics paraphernalia at Bayview Station.(SFPD Case No. 110741493)

On September 15th at 1:00 AM, Officers were patrolling in the area of West Point and Middle Point Road when they were flagged down by a frantic 18 year old female who stated that she just had her head slammed against a wall by her mother. The victim stated that she was pregnant and was trying to get some sleep inside her bedroom when her mother decided to play loud music while drinking alcohol. The victim asked her mother to turn it down, leading to the argument which ultimately ended with the mother breaking a plate over her daughters head and banging her head into a wall 2 or three times. The victim managed to break fee and get out of the home where she found the Officers.
The Officers went to the victim’s home and were allowed entry by the suspect who wanted to know if her daughter would be OK. She was positively identified and placed under arrest. The broken plate that caused a laceration to the victim’s head was located and seized as evidence. The victim was treated for her injuries by paramedics. Her mother was booked at Bayview Station for aggravated assault charges. (SFPD Case No. 110741982)

On September 15th at 10:42 AM, Officers in the area of Newhall and Kirkwood saw a subject in the area who they knew had an outstanding felony warrant for narcotics. They went to place him under arrest at which time he became combative and resisted their efforts. After a brief scuffle, he was taken into custody. Nobody was injured. He was booked at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No. 110742786)
On August 15th at 2:30 PM, Bicycle Officers were in the area of Newhall approaching McKinnon when they saw two subjects standing on the corner in what appeared to be a drug transaction. One of the subjects was staring intently into the open palm of the other subject’s hand. The Officers were able to get close enough to actually see that the open palm contained several crack rocks before finally being noticed by one of the suspects, who in turn warned his friend.
The suspect with the crack promptly threw the rocks to the sidewalk, but it was too late to avoid detection. He was placed under arrest and the Officers seized the discarded evidence from the ground. The suspect was booked on narcotic related charges at Bayview Station. The second subject was identified and released from the scene. (SFPD Case No. 110743342)

On September 15th at 3:30 PM, Officers responded to the area of Gilman and Hawes regarding a shots fired call. Witnesses in the area were able to confirm that the shots came from black truck and were directed at two individuals standing on the street who were not hit. Officers were able to locate 8 bullet casings on the north side of Gilman St. Officers searched the area for the truck and any possible victims but were unable to locate any. No injuries were reported as a result of this incident. (SFPD Case No. 110743502)

On September 15th at 10:50 PM, Officers in the area of Fitzgerald and Jennings when they saw a car being rifled through from the passenger side by a subject while another subject acted as a lookout. They decided to take a closer look, as what they were witnessing appeared to possibly be a vehicle burglary. They contacted both subjects who immediately became very nervous in the Officers’ presence.

The subject near the passenger door identified himself and stated that the car was his. A record check proved that the car was in fact his, yet his suspicious actions and persistent nervous jitters gave the Officers pause. As they spoke to him, he kept trying to reach his hand into the open passenger window, into the passenger compartment. The Officers took a look at what was there and found a crack pipe. They asked him to move his hand and found that it was shielding a baggie containing a rock of crack. He was placed under arrest. A search of the suspect’s person revealed three more individually wrapped cocaine rocks. His friend admitted to having met up with the suspect to purchase crack from him. The suspect was booked at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No. 110744845)

On September 15th between 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM, a vehicle was broken into on the unit block of Carr St. A handbag containing a wallet was stolen. (SFPD Case No. 110743847)

On September 15th between 3:00 PM and 7;30 PM, a vehicle was broken into in the area of Thomas and Silver. An iPod was stolen. (SFPD Case No. 110744500)

On September 15th between 5:00 AM and 6:00 PM, a vehicle was broken into on the 100 block of Blanken St. An electronic dictionary was stolen. (SFPD Case No. 110744083)

On September 15th between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM, a vehicle was broken into on the 300 block of Girard. A blue tooth earpiece was stolen. (SFPD Case No. 110744271)

San Francisco police are urging the public to be vigilant about their safety in public, particularly when using Muni.

•    While on Muni vehicles and at Muni bus stops and platforms, citizens are urged to be vigilant about their surroundings and to note any suspicious activity. While on Muni buses, be wary of persons standing especially close or jostling, which may indicate a possible pickpocket or robbery attempt. While waiting for a bus, try to be at a location where there are other persons waiting with you. If you are the only person waiting, go to another stop where there are others waiting. Be aware of pick-pockets. An old San Francisco trick to guard against pickpockets is to wrap a rubber band around your wallet and place your wallet in your pocket as the rubber will catch on your clothing. Its time tested. It will drive the crooks - pickpockets crazy. Plus you will always have a rubber band. Be alert...

•    Be especially careful when using electronic devices on transit vehicles. Opportunist criminals know that a person talking on a cell phone, listening to an i-Pod, or texting, is distracted and thus an easy target. Try to avoid using any electronic device while seated or standing near the rear exit of a transit vehicle, since this door provides a quick exit for grab-and-run suspects.

•    If it essential for you to use an electronic device on the street, be aware that you may be a target for theft. Opportunist criminals, sometimes operating in groups, look for people using these devices and often will approach a victim from behind, knowing that the person talking on a cell phone, texting, or using an i-Pod is distracted. Some of these criminals could be armed. Do not be so preoccupied that you become unaware of your surroundings and not notice a person or persons nearby acting suspiciously.

•    Immediately report any robbery by calling 9-1-1 or 415-553-0123

Bayview District WEB Resources
D10 District Blogs:
•    Bayview Merchants Association http://bayviewmerchants.org/blog
•    D10Watch website and blog: http://d10watch.blogspot.com
•    VVBoom Visitacion Valley Blog: http://www.sfvvboom.blogspot.com/
••    Portola Neighborhood Steering Committee – www.facebook.com/pages/Portola-Neighborhood-Steering-Committee
•    Potrero/Dogpatch Merchants Association http://potrerohill.biz/phamb
•    Better Bayview Yahoo Group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/betterbayview/
District Information:
•    District 10 information site: www.district10.info
•    Bayview Footprints www.bayviewfootprints.org
•    D10Watch: www.d10watch.blogspot.com
Neighborhood Associations:
•    Quesada Gardens Initiative http://QuesadaGardens.org
•    ART94124 http://art94124.com/
•    Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association: http://bayviewhillsf.org/
•    India Basin Neighborhood Association: http://www.indiabasin.org/
•    Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association http://potreroboosters.org
•    Dogpatch Neighborhood Association http://mydogpatch.org
•    McKinley Square Park Foundation www.mckinleysquarepark.org

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