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Friday, September 9, 2011

SFPD Newsletter

On September 5th at 3:18 AM, Officers responded to a school on the 600 block of Vermont regarding an alarm that had gone off for one of the rooms. Arriving Officers created a perimeter around the school and in doing so, noticed a pair of suspects run out from the front of the school, fleeing on foot. The Officers gave chase and were able to overtake the female subject quickly while the male jumped over a fence. Officers were able to coax him back over the fence and both suspects were taken into custody.

The room where the alarm went off had been ransacked. It was an art room that contained computer and printing equipment with high quality printing cartridges. A similar cartridge was found in the female suspect’s purse along with 55 sheets of printed counterfeit $10 and $20 bills. Additionally, her purse contained numerous screw drivers, wire cutters, wrench sets and other tools that are commonly used for burglaries. Both suspects admitted to having entered the school and spent time in the alarmed room. Secret Service was notified due to the counterfeit currency seized from one of the suspects. Both suspects were booked for numerous charges. (SFPD Case No. 110712109)

On September 5th at 9:19 AM, an Officer was patrolling on the 1400 block of Shafter when he heard two gunshots coming from the unit block of Bayview. He immediately responded to the area and found a witness who was standing outside his home. The witness stated that he saw a white Range Rover drive slowly down the block with the passenger leaning out of the window holding a handgun. He fired a couple shots eastbound at a black SUV that was also being driven. Both cars sped off.

There were no injuries reported as a result of this incident. Units in the area looked for the vehicles involved but were unable to locate either that day. (SFPD Case No. 110712369)

On September 5th at 6:00 PM, Officers observed a group loitering under the “no loitering” sign in front of a liquor store on the 1400 block of Thomas. One of the individuals, on seeing the Officers, broke from the group and began to walk into the store, looking over his shoulder and avoiding eye contact with the Officers.

The subject was detained inside the store. A record check showed that he was on felony probation for a firearm violation with a search condition. A search of his person revealed a baggie of cocaine inside his pants pocket for which he was placed under arrest and booked at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No.110713652)

On September 6th at 11:00 AM, Officers responded to a school on the 400 block of Mansell regarding a student with a possible warrant. They spoke with the Dean who told them that a parent called and wanted her out of control teen to be arrested on an outstanding no bail warrant that the Officers were able to confirm. The subject was placed under arrest booked without incident. (SFPD Case No. 110715636)

On September 6th at 3:10 PM, a robbery occurred on 3rd and Cesar Chavez. The victim stated that he was on the MUNI T-line when he saw 4-6 subjects on the bus giving him dirty looks. He became uncomfortable and exited the bus at Cesar Chavez. The suspects followed him. He was grabbed from behind by one of the suspects and then was thrown onto the platform. The other suspects joined in and began to punch and kick him. The victim stated that he lost consciousness and when he came “to” he noticed that his phone, iPod, and gold chain were gone. The victim was treated for his injuries at SFGH.

The responding Officers searched for the suspects but were unable to locate them that day. An investigation into the incident including review of the coach’s surveillance footage is underway. (SFPD Case No. 110716587)
On September 6th at 3:30 PM, Plainclothes Officers were patrolling in the area of Mariposa and Arkansas when they saw a subject walking near the school in the area that they recognized. The subject had been present at a house on the 200 block of Missouri during a search warrant recently where a large amount of marijuana plants were seized.

As the Officers drove near the suspect, he increased his speed and walked looking over his shoulder. At one point he ditched something on the ground near the front entrance of the school. The Officers detained him and found that the item that he had ditched was a clear plastic baggie containing several PCP cigarettes. There were at least 20 children in the area the baggie was located as school had just got out of session. The suspect was placed under arrest and booked at Bayview Station (SFPD Case No.110716139)

On September 6th at 4:20 PM, Officers responded to 25th and Dakota regarding an argument. They met with the parties involved and determined that the argument had not turned physical and that alcohol was involved. One of the subjects had an outstanding warrant for his arrest and was taken into custody He was booked at Bayview Station. (SFPD Case No.110716537)

On September 7th at 7:30 AM, a robbery attempt occurred in the area of Wisconsin and Carolina. The victim told Officers that he was taking pictures in the area with his camera when he was approached by two juvenile subjects who ordered him to give them his camera. When the victim refused, one of the suspects punched him in the mouth while the second pulled on his camera bag causing the victim to fall to the ground. When the suspect was unable to pull the camera bag off, he began kicking the victim who in turn removed a utility knife from his pocket and brandished it at his assailants. Both suspects then fled the scene. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 110718038)

On September 7th at 9:00 AM, Officers responded to Gilman and Paul where they met with a victim who said that he had been robbed of his backpack a week prior and just saw the suspect of that robbery on a bus. The original robbery had occurred on August 27th at Gillman and Hawes. The suspect approached the victim, demanded his backpack, then forcefully threw him to the ground and removed the victim’s backpack prior to fleeing.

The victim told the Officers that he had just seen the suspect traveling on the MUNI route 29 bus heading toward San Bruno. The Officers obtained a description of the suspect and broadcasted the information. Other Officers stopped the bus at San Bruno and Paul and detained the suspect. The victim positively identified the suspect during the cold show and he was taken into custody and booked on robbery charges. (SFPD No. 110689172)

On September 7th at 5:30 PM, Officers were on patrol in the area of 20th and Wisconsin when they saw a car driving towards them in the opposite direction with the stereo blasting. As they car passed them and was down the street a significant distance, they still could hear the stereo. As this was a vehicle code violation, they made a U-turn and affected a stop on the car.

The driver was cooperative and had identification. He told the Officers that he was test driving the vehicle before buying it. The vehicle, however, came back during the record check as having been stolen out of San Jose. When they placed the driver under arrest, he changed his story and stated that a woman whose name he did not know let him borrow the car for a few days. He was booked on auto theft at Bayview Station and the vehicle was recovered. (SFPD No. 110719785)

On September 8th at 12:38 PM, There was a burglary attempt on a residence on the unit block of Cameron Way. The resident reported that his rear window, front gate and front door had been damaged while he was away. Apparently, no actual entry had been made. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No.110721906)

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