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Thursday, October 6, 2011

EVENT: DECOMPRESSION 2011 Heat the Street FaIRE!

Burning Man Presents for the benefit of the Burning Man Project...

DECOMPRESSION 2011 Heat the Street FaIRE!

Sunday, October 9th 12pm til 12am

Public Entrance: Near 19th St. & Minnesota St., SF (through parking lot)

Indiana Street, Mariposa to 22nd Streets

$10 donation in costumed-finery or with photo of yourself at Burning Man 2011

$20 in street clothes

All ages outdoors; 21+ inside Cocomo (club closes 1:30am)

Outdoor stages and all sound end 10pm, except Mariposa Stage which ends 11pm

This is going to be quite a day to celebrate our 12th Decompression and 25th anniversary of Burning Man

Come at noon SHARP for a full twelve hours of art, installations, performance, fire, dance, theme camps, circus arts, live music, DJs, Burning Man 2011 imagery, and MORE!!!

All six blocks, the park, and stages will be overflowing with a stunning variety of creative expression! Bring your imagination to share and BE the art you wish to see in the world!!! Full schedule and list of pARTicipants to follow.

THEME CAMPS INCLUDE: Adopt-A-Porta Pottie, Beignets for Art, Black Rock Prep, Black Rock Arts Foundation, BMIR, BRC Farmers Market, BRCPO, Bureau of Misinformation, Burners Without Borders, Burning Man Project, Camp Freefall, Camp Montage, Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet, Dancetronaughts’ Strip Ship, District Everywhere, Dubscouts SF/Unknown Prophecies, Dustfish, The Dusty Rhino, EBOL/Klown Korps, First Church of the Last Laugh's Taberknuckle of St. Stupid, Friends of Blackrock Highrock, Gate & Perimeter, Hexayurt Workshop, Hiney Hygiene Station, Hookahdome, The Hillbilly Spaceship, Kamp Apokiliptika, Kidsville, Media Mecca, Moroccan Tea Lounge Micro Theatre, Nautilus X, Pink Mammoth, Playa Info, Pyroglyphics/P3 Oasis, Rebel Bass Collective, Revolution Camp/ Department of Public Words, Saraswati Tea House, Scarbutts Cafe, Sham Rock City, Shipwreck Tiki Lounge, Silicon Village / Heart On Pod, Sk8 Kamp, Strategik’s Dodo Bus, The Lost Penguins Cafe, Twilight Spaghetti Theater Decom Puppet show, Undercity/Jerk Church, World Hoop Day, Wow/Playa V, Camp Questionmark AND MORE!

PERFORMERS INCLUDE:  Antioquia, Aurora Activity Pony, Action Jackson, Adhara Dance Company, Anodyne Industries, Bad Unkl Sista, Blair, Brendan Random Ramsden, Burning Band Marching Band, Curly Doodle, Crossroads, Dark Sparkle, Dioscuri, Diva Marisa, DJ ICON, DJ Laird, DJ Feral, DJ Haack, Dr. Notorious, Easystreet, Energy Alchemist, Fire Smoothie, Gring-Oh-Star, Heart Touch / Keno Mapp, Hydrah, HystErica, Jef Stott Jason Wilson, Kimba, Liz Ryder band, Loyd Family Players, MIDILOVE, Meg Amor Fire, Mo Corleone, Nancy Asiya, Onamare, Poilesque, Prize,
Pyronauts, Richard Hartnell - Contact Juggler, Samba Stilt Circus, Sanedrac Hunter, Satchi Om, Sex Pixels, Shake It For Grandma, Skipper’s Revenge, Soul in the Machine, Solar Flare, SpinOff Tribal
Belly Dance, Teeth Crush Bones,Th' Mole/ DJ 0.000001, The Audio Alchemizts, The BURNING OPERA, The MegaFlame Big Band, The Neurovoltaic Orchestra,The Zenotope Collective, Underwater Sunshine Krew, Vibrant EYEris, Vortechs, Wanderlust Circus ,Writhe and MANY

ART BY: Alex Lejeune, Andrew Jones, Luke Brown, Amanda Sage, Michael Divine, Matt Elson, Aurora Camp, Christopher Schardt, Bruce Miles, Danny, Debi Cable, Demian Dorrance, Derek Heinemann, Garth Webb, Henry Rikena, Jeff Howe and Ruby Bettencourt, Jim & Claire Alexander, JJ Holoubek, John Hagar, Jon Sarrugarte and Krysten Mate, Jason Star, Julian Cash, Jimi Cummins, Kathy D'Onofrio, Kirsten Berg, Kristian Akseth, Andrew Boyd and Stacey Reineccus, Kurt Pires, Lady V and Hemi, Mad Dog, Owen Kelly, Rob Lord, Robert Bengtson, Robn Parsons, Ruth Kneass & Desert Pearl Family, Sovereign, Tex Allen, Todd Cox, Todd Willams, Tom Haan, Vibrata Chromodoris & David Shamanik, Z and the Baby Blue Crew + LOTS MORE!

LIVE VJs: Carol Luna, Diana Maxwell, Mark McGothigan, Justyn Myers, Rayce O'Brien, Ron Halbert and others.

PROJECTED STILL IMAGERY by: well know photographers including Jeff Keppel, Josh Reiss, Scott London, S.N. Jacobson, Steven Fritz and many others.

SCREENING OF SHORT VIDEOS INSIDE CAFE COCOMO: filmmakers including Canatarri, Mark Day, Robert Chapin, Todd Gardiner, Kepi & Kat,  Damon Ristau, Jon Sarriugarte and Tripak.

FULL SCHEDULE will be posted shortly here: http://www.burningman.com/blackrockcity_yearround/special_events/decompression/decom2011.html

PLEASE TAKE MASS TRANSIT, BIKE and CARPOOL: (Muni bus #22, #48 and BART connects with the 3rd St T-line), ride your bike and avoid driving on Minnesota St. completely! Inexpensive parking available at UCSF lot (3rd St. at 16th St.). Or park on Terry Francois Blvd or Illinois St. just a couple blocks away.

PLEASE RESPECT OUR NEIGHBORS. Enter and exit quietly and without leaving a trace! Pick up any litter and fliers you see on side streets as you go and help leave things spotless! THIS IS A LEAVE NO TRACE EVENT! Please pack it in and pack it out!!! This is not a regular street fair. Do not litter or leave trash!

PARTICIPATE: We still have limited space for unamplified sound interactive theme camps and art.  We are FULL for sound camps, sound art, DJs, bands, and fire art/performances.

Email flambelounge(at)burningman(dot)com to request a space and share your creative spirit, art and vision.

TO VOLUNTEER: Email SEvolunteers(at)burningman(dot)com

SF Decompression is powered by an amazing team of volunteers and communal effort. We also need volunteers to come back 11am MONDAY, Oct 11th to Minnesota and 19th for our annual neighborhood clean up so we can leave the neighborhood CLEANER than we found it! We’ll have donuts, coffee and new friends! Come earlier if you can get a head start.

FOOD AVAILABLE ALL DAY at Decom: Tasty meat and veggie options and beverages sold to benefit the Burning Man Project art and community programs. So, EAT FOR ART! Also food and tea/coffee theme camps while supplies last. Come early!

EVERYONE must read the Survival Guide DECOMandments before you come:
