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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2065 Oakdale permit back for review

Uncontrolled dust rises over 2065 Oakdale
On Wednesday the 20th of February, members of Bayview Office for Community Planning and India Basin Neighborhood Association successfully argued for the San Francisco Board of Permit Appeals to go back and review the permit issued to Jack Tsang for the demolition of large sections of the old Berkeley Farms Dairy on Oakdale Ave.
Mr. Tsang had been issued a Stop Work order pending the results of soil testing he was being required to produce by order of the Board or Appeals on January 9th. He instead sent workers to the site to remove debris and haul in dirt from another location. This action not only violates the city's order, but was also an attempt to contaminate any accurate soil sample that could be performed at the site.
The Board of Appeals was especially disturbed by the SFPD report stating that when Department of Building Inspections agent, Donal Duffy, arrived, he was physically barred from entering the site by Tsang's hired workers. When the Police were called, the workers jumped in their trucks and sped away. To be fair, Jack Tsang's lawyer has claimed these men to be "Rouge" contractors that were acting on their own and have since been fired.
The Board has set the new hearing date for April 10th when they will reevaluate the evidence, including Jack Tsangs disregard for official instructions, and rule as to whether Tsang's permit should be revoked and penalties should be imposed for his continued bad behavior.

We ask those of you who care about the future of the Bayview to come to room 416 at 5:00 pm in City Hall on April 10th and show your outrage at this abuse so that future developers will understand that our neighborhood deserves the same respect they would want shown to their own.