Saturday, March 2, 2013
Event 11:00am-3:00pm
Press check-in 10:30am
Interviews 11:30am
Rotunda of San Francisco's City Hall
1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA
WHAT: Chase, salesforce.com, Twitter, Square, Riverbed, Zynga, Dolby Digital, among others, to participate in College Track San Francisco Day, an event that will expose College Track students to careers in fields such as technology, engineering, science and sales.
WHO: Laurene Powell Jobs, Chris Boskin, Ron Conway, Charlotte Schultz, Cissie Swig, Mayor Ed Lee, College Track students and staff, and local professionals
* Special guest Mayor Ed Lee to talk about the importance of internships to prepare students for future employment opportunity, specifically in technology
* Chase to announce its California partnership with College Track to support students in achieving their dreams of a college degree
* 400 students and mentors to participate in the event where they will hear from local leaders such Michael Seibel, CEO of Socialcam, Kimberly Bryant, Biotechnology Engineer and founder of BlackGirlsCODE, and Dr. Pierre Theodore, Lung Surgeon at UCSF
On Saturday, March 2nd, Laurene Powell Jobs, Chris Boskin, Ron Conway, Charlotte Schultz, and Cissie Swig will host the first College Track San Francisco Day, an event that will expose College Track students to careers in fields such as technology, engineering, science and sales. This event aligns with College Track's ongoing collaboration with the City of San Francisco, who has been a great supporter of the College Track program.
A year ago, College Track San Francisco students were encouraged to apply for internships through SummerQAmp, an invaluable opportunity for students to gain experience in technology at software companies. Among the 50 positions available to College Track students, only 12 were filled, primarily because our students did not have the experience to make them competitive for the internship. To help set our students up for success in the job market, Site Director Omar Butler introduced the idea of College Track San Francisco Day, an event that gives students exposure to local companies and mentors.
This year, Chase, salesforce.com, Twitter, Square, Riverbed, Zynga, and Dolby Digital have volunteered nearly 200 employees who will have the opportunity to mentor a student for the day and learn about additional opportunities to support San Francisco students. In addition to these companies, representatives from local colleges will be in attendance to provide information about college majors and career options.
ABOUT COLLEGE TRACK SAN FRANCISCO College Track is a national education nonprofit that empowers students from underserved communities to reach their dream of a college degree. Our mission is to close the achievement gap and create college-going cultures for students who are historically and currently underrepresented in higher education. We work closely with our students with after-school programming and college coaching from the summer before ninth grade through college graduation. We currently serve nearly 1,400 high school and college students in East Palo Alto, Oakland, San Francisco, New Orleans, Aurora, CO, and Los Angeles. Among those students, 295 are from Bayview Hunters Point. We have demonstrated a tremendous record of success. One hundred percent of our seniors graduate high school. Ninety percent are admitted to a four-year college, with fifty-five percent graduating within six years, more than twice the national average for low-income students. Eighty-five percent of our students will be the first person in their family to earn a college degree. Itzy Gutierrez T. 510.289.0825