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Friday, March 4, 2016

Mission Bay Loop FINALLY moving forward


Dear Neighbors, Business Merchants and Muni Customers:

The Mission Bay Loop is a key component for San Francisco’s T-Third rail line and is critical to operating the T-Third Central Subway service plan. The loop provides turn-around capabilities for the T-Third Street light rail line via a connection of trackway from Third Street to 18th Street, Illinois, and 19th Streets, which will allow the SFMTA to operate the necessary service levels needed to support current and planned growth within the eastern portion of San Francisco.  The loop will also allow trains to turn around for special events to accommodate high demand between Mission Bay and the Market Street Muni Metro Subway.

On September 14, 2014, the SFMTA awarded a contract to Mitchell Engineering to complete the Mission Bay Loop.  The project will consist of installation of new tracks on the block surrounded by Third, 18th, Illinois and 19th Streets by connecting to the existing tracks on 18th and 19th Streets.

A stay of construction by the California Court of Appeal was recently lifted, and the SFMTA expects to resume construction beginning with exploratory excavations along 18th and 19th Streets within the next three weeks or approximately the week of March 21. Residents and businesses will also receive a notice via U.S. mail next week.  Construction should be completed within seven to eight months.  The work may affect traffic during construction, including bicycle traffic.  Mitchell Engineering will clearly mark all work areas and flaggers will help to direct traffic.  Please plan for minor delays when driving or bicycling through this area.  Vehicular and pedestrian access to properties along the project site will be maintained.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Adrienne Heim, Public Information Officer, 1 South Van Ness Avenue – 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, (415) 701-5472.

You can also sign up to receive email updates by entering the following web address:  https://www.sfmta.com/projects-planning/projects/mission-bay-loop