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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mission Bay Loop Update

As mentioned in March, this from SFMTA today:
The California Court of Appeal recently lifted the stay of Construction of the Mission Bay Loop Project, so the SFMTA will be working with our contractor, Mitchell Engineering, to resume construction beginning with exploratory excavations along 18th, 19th and Illinois Streets next Wednesday, May 18. Residents and businesses will see postings about the project around the site area this week. The overall project will be completed within seven to eight months. The work may affect traffic during construction, including bicycle traffic. Mitchell Engineering will clearly mark all work areas and flaggers will help to direct traffic. 
Vehicular and pedestrian access to properties along the project site will be maintained.
If you have any questions please contact me directly.
Adrienne Heim
Public Information Officer, District 10 Communications Liaison
(415) 701-5472